BusinessAsema reservations


BusinessAsema is a meeting spot that is open for everyone, offering services concerning entrepreneurship, talent development, and employment. The smart space also functions as a co-creation and trial platform for new solutions. BusinessAsema facilities include freely usable workstations as well as meeting and event rooms for separate booking.

Digipaja workshop is home to all kinds of coaching and training events for improving customers’ digital skills and companies’ readiness for doing digital business. The digital micromanufacturing equipment at FabLab are there for everyone to experiment with and use free of charge.

The bodies serving customers at BusinessAsema include BusinessOulu business and employment services, TE-palvelut business services, OSAO Ovi, Yrityskylä Yläkoulu, 4H Business Lab, Oulun Seudun Uusyrityskeskus, and café/restaurant Antell Asema.

The rooms and spaces at BusinessAsema can be booked via the booking calendar from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. You may enquire about other times by contacting:

If you have any problems, please contact:

BusinessAsema is located at Hallituskatu 36 B.


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