Privacy Policy

Privacy policy pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Privacy policy for the City of Oulu online shop

Purpose of the processing of personal data

Reason why we process your personal data

The City of Oulu online shop app offers an opportunity to book, order and pay for facilities, tickets, services and products online. Personal data is processed to deliver orders, to correctly allocate payments, to identify customers and/or the delivery destinations of orders specified by customers, to maintain customers’ order histories and to verify customers’ right to use the service, as well as for reporting purposes. Personal data may also be processed to determine the usage history of the software and for troubleshooting purposes.

Why we have the right to process your personal data

The processing of personal data is based on the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller (Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Accounting Act (1336/1997) and the Act on General Support Services for Electronic Services of the Public Administration (571/2016).

Use of automated profiling in decision-making

We do not use any automated profiling in decision-making.

Name and contact details of the controller


Oulu City Board

Name and contact details of the controller

PO Box 1, FI-90015 City of Oulu, Finland

Controller’s representative 

Chief Financial Officer

Contact details of controller’s representative

PO Box 1, FI-90015 City of Oulu, Finland

Data Protection Officer

City of Oulu Data Protection Officer

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer 

Processed personal data

The personal data we process

Identification data and contact details of individuals who purchase tickets

Contact details of individuals who purchase gift cards and gift card recipients

Identification data and contact details of event attendants and group members

Identification data and contact details of individuals who purchase camps or party venues and service users, information about any special diets, photography permits and additional information provided by the customers

Contact details and delivery addresses of individuals who purchase products from the online shop

Personal data retention period/criteria for determining the retention period

In accordance with the recommended retention period for local government documents, the data will be retained for 6–10 years. The retention periods are based on the Accounting Act.

Source of the processed personal data                                              

The data is obtained from the parties concerned, the customer and, in the case of underage individuals or individuals under guardianship, from the person who has custody of the child/the guardian.

Transfer and disclosure of data     

Regular transfer and disclosure

In the event of debt recovery, data may be transferred to the service provider responsible for the recovery process.

Transfer or disclosure of data outside the EU or the European Economic area (EEA) and grounds thereof

We will not transfer or share any data outside the EU/EEA.

Rights of the data subject

You have the right to:

• View your personal data

• Request the rectification of your personal data

• Request the deletion of your personal data (excluding statutory duties)

• Request restriction of the processing of your personal data

• Object to the processing of your personal data

• Request the transmission of your personal data to another controller

• Withdraw your consent if the processing of personal data is based on consent

• Not be subject to automated decision-making

Requests relating to the rights of the data subject must be addressed to:

Registry of the City of Oulu

PO Box 71

FI-90015 City of Oulu, Finland Street address: Kansankatu 55 A

Electronic requests must be sent to

The data subject has the right to refer the matter to the Data Protection Ombudsman if the data subject considers that the processing of their personal data is in breach of relevant legislation.